Online Lessons:
If there are “weather concerns” or if a student is not feeling well, we can schedule an online lesson. I need to know in advance or else the student will need to call in at their lesson time. Sometimes there are transportation problems, and this would be a way to have the lesson. If you are truly too sick for a lesson, then it will be best to cancel the lesson or have an on-line lesson.
School Year Lessons and Missed Lessons:
I charge a monthly tuition fee during the school year regardless of the number of lessons in the month. It remains the same unless I cancel a lesson. When that occurs, I deduct that lesson from next month’s statement or reschedule it. I take the responsibility of purchasing the music for the students and add that cost to the monthly statement. I give the monthly statement to the students at their lesson at the beginning of each month. If you find that you must miss a lesson, you may schedule a lesson swap with another student. Lesson swaps may be done by going to my web site and clicking on “Schedules.” After entering the password, you will see the necessary contact information. Please send me an email to let me know if you do reschedule. During the school year my schedule is not flexible and missed lessons may not be rescheduled or deducted.
Summer Lessons:
During the summer I charge for the lesson rather than monthly tuition because students are in and out of town. It is easy to reschedule lessons in the summer because the students are not in school. If possible, please let me know in advance if you will be absent. All students are expected to study in the summer to be scheduled for fall lessons.
I send a Summer-Fall Registration Form to each student in May before the end of the school term. I make a schedule change for summer lessons and again for the fall lessons. I will honor the requests if possible. Students may request a certain day or time and I may not have enough slots available to honor that request, especially during the school year. If this happens, I will notify you immediately if that time is available. Scheduling is done by email. My teaching schedule and the contact information for each student is posted on my web site and it is password protected. If you do not want your information listed, please let me know.
You may park on either side of the driveway or on Robin Lane. Please do not park in the middle of the driveway, because that blocks the next student from having a parking space. I ask that we please limit the number of vehicles parked on Robin Lane during the Group Class times because my neighbors need to be able to come and go safely.
Students are expected to arrive on time for Lessons and for the Group classes. Please wait quietly until it is lesson time. Bring all the books to lessons, please.
Group Classes:
I will schedule one group class in the fall and one in the spring on a Saturday morning, date and time to be determined. I do not charge for the classes and there are no make up classes. Please bring your book when you are performing at the class. Performances are by memory.
Spring Recitals – Huntsville Museum of Art, Great Hall -- February 8, 2025:
The students are divided into two groups. Students are encouraged to invite people to attend. There is no recital fee for the recitals. All students are expected to attend and play by memory.
AMTA Auditions for the District – First Baptist Church -- April 5, 2025:
The in-person auditions are held at the First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending around 2:00 p.m. There is a $30 registration fee which is added to the monthly statement. Students play three pieces by memory plus age-level keyboard theory. The judges are out-of-town piano teachers. Last year there was a virtual audition opportunity for students who had a conflict on this date. I am not sure about that for this year. Please contact me as soon as possible if you have a conflict on this day.
AMTA State Auditions – May 10, 2025:
The students who receive the top grade of Outstanding in both solo and theory at the District Audition are eligible to enter this audition. It will be at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa campus. There is no theory is required for the State audition. The judges are out-of-state college faculty members.
There will be other optional Performance Opportunities throughout the year. When I learn about them, I will send an email to the students who may want to enter with the requirements, date and entry fee listed. I do not have the information currently.
Other Information: